Everything is going very well,
however some crazy things happened this P-day which unfortunately has
left this week a little short. I will have to double report next
week...so sorry, nothing in my control.
Things are so great here, I'm not changing at all
with the transfer call. None of us are in our ward which is really
bizarre. However, our mission president told us himself that he had been
up since 12am
seeking revelation for the transfer stuff, so I know that it is right,
plus I've gotten my own confirmation so everything is well. I am very
excited to continue working with this ward. I will update you with all
the happenings that have been going on next week.
To be short. We had a very spiritually intense
lesson with the restaurant owners (with a daughter on a mission) and we
are going to have to push Samuel's baptism date back (because of a
national holiday and frequency of meeting) to October 19th
ish. Our other investigators are going well. This week we had a ton of
scheduled meetings, but we still got so many potential investigators.
Although we met few people, they certainly were quality!
Got to go. Important thought is Ether 12:4. Our faith can become firm and steadfast (Mosiah 5:15/Alma
57:26-27...etc) as we realize what it is that lies ahead of us. Through
that vision we will not only have the motivation to do what we know is
right, but we will desire it. Continue strong, lay up for yourselves
treasure in heaven, where moth and rust cannot corrupt!
Best of luck and wishes!
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