This week had some great ups and some low downs.
On the upside, the restaurant owners are pretty much for sure going to get baptized. They have changed SO much the past few weeks. They are so much happier and there is a new light in their faces. Ever since they made the decision to come to church they have literally been radiating with light. The other day my companion and I went to the their restaurant and they ate with us (which is a HUGE step in Korean culture). So yep, they also told my companion that they wanted to get baptized before he leaves. We are excited because if they do so, they will be able to go to the temple with their daughter when she returns from her mission! They came to church again and had a great time.
On the downside, the investigator that had a baptismal date told us that he didn't want to be baptized anymore. (That one sunk deep). Well, at least his reason was that he didn't feel prepared (and he wasn't) but we are still sad. He didn't show up to church either. We will not give up! He is precious and we will do everything we can to help him back to the fold.
We also met a lot with a hilarious investigator named Kong. He is so funny, but sometimes frustrating. He is the one that went into the wilderness to study the Bible. Anyways, he is funny, but thick-headed sometimes. He says he has to go to India to pray...haha. So we are steadily trying to help him realize that he doesn't need to be perfectly obedient (which he thinks he does) in order to pray. Yep, he is always an interesting one to teach. But we love him, he is so funny. We are going farming with Bishop's less-active parents next p-day, and we invited him (because he loves nature) and he made the comment "I love farm sports" and then explained that basketball was a city sport and harvesting grain was a farm sport. He is great. He has true desire to find the truth and we will help him to find it. We are excited to teach him! Yep all he needs is a divine answer and he'll soon want to join the Church, however he must pray to do that. So, although he has pointed out that the theme of our past two lessons has been prayer, we are going to talk about it until he starts to do it. Like I said though, he is great.
Our other investigator needs help understanding that spiritual knowledge is more important than regular knowledge. He wants to learn about everything but says that if he wants to feel the spirit he can go pray with other churches; well, we will try to help him realized that he can receive a personal witness that our church is true and then from there I know he will commit more to do what we want him to.
This past week, holy cow, we have been guided way beyond our own knowledge. I think that pretty much everyday there has been some sort of unforeseen breakdown in our plans and backup plans, so we have to go by the spirit, and this week has been one of the best weeks of the mission, I feel. We will continue to work with Samuel (the one who used to have a baptismal date) and our other investigators. We are excited to get them progressing and eventually to make promises to God!
This week I have come to realize how truly many promptings we get every single day, if we listen to them. If we do, then we will have a feeling of firm peace because we have done what the Lord wants us to do and thus whatever has happened has been according to His will. I have learned that it does absolutely no good to push off the promptings, but just to do it. Just follow and act. Then just see what happens. And if nothing does, then there is some reason beyond your understanding that may become apparent to you later...or not. But still trust it. Just trust it. There is no better feeling than realizing that you have been led by the Lord to specific areas doing specific things for specific people. I had that experience many times this week. 그냥 해라! Just do it!
저는 제 가족을 너무 사랑해요! I love my family a lot!!!

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