information. So, we just received (literally) our transfer information.
My companion is transferring south and becoming District Leader, and I
am getting a new companion that is the same "age" in the mission as my
companion. My new companion trained a Korean last transfers so he will
be very good at Korean and will be able to teach me a lot about
missionary work and about Korean! I am super excited, but at the same
time super sad about getting a new companion. Elder Evans taught me so
much and helped me in so many ways. The rest of the people in our house
are staying the same. My new companion's name is Elder Tolman.
The baptismal comments you shared with me are
true and resemble a discussion we had with one of our investigators this
week. This week we had a beautifully spiritual lesson with Kong. He has
studied the Bible so much that although he has a completely mixed up
perception of a lot of things, he "gets it". He understands the eternal
perspective. So, we sat down with him and told him: look, this is
salvation. This is what you have to do to qualify for salvation, and
then taught him the principles of the Gospel. He was really intimidated
at the idea of a covenant, because he was afraid that he would break it
and then be at a loss. Then, we explained to him the sacrament. The two
key verses for that lesson were 2 Nephi 2:24
and verse 27. Basically all things have been done through the wisdom of
God-this is how you do it.'s time to make the choice. What are
you willing to do for salvation? I loved that lesson because Elder
Evans and I literally told him, "we are representatives of Jesus Christ
that help people to make promises with Him". It felt good to just be so
blank with someone who understood and actually cared about his
relationship with God and his salvation. We went hiking with him the
next day and he was great. He asked us after the hike if we could study
with him, and we unfortunately couldn't because of other things we had
to attend to, but overall he is doing well!
On a completely opposite note, a tragic accident
happened and one of the other Elders' investigators passed away in a car
accident. It was all of the sudden. We got a call in the morning, they
rushed off to the hospital and he passed away. That brought everything
down to earth Later, because of another complicated situation, I ended
up going on splits with the other Elder to visit the casket and offer
condolances. Well, that was an interesting experience. I had only seen
him once, and as soon as we got there, they took us to his casket and
told us to pray. So we did. I realized very acutely the reason why I am
doing what I am doing. He went on from this life and into the next. As I
prayed, I knew that he was being taken care of in the next life. He had
received some of the lessons, so I am sure that he will receive the
Gospel in the spirit world. That was a crazy happening that really
impressed on me the reality of everything that I am doing and the
importance of it above anything else, which can pass away with you...
On a brighter note, we started the formal lessons
with our investigators! They met with us at the church and we went
through the first lesson twice (because the wife could not come during
the week--then we taught them both on Sunday) They are doing so well. I
don't know what will happen because Elder Evans is transferring and they
were not very happy about that possibility. So...I am praying that they
will still completely accept everything and be baptized on the date
planned. They will, I know they will in my heart. Also, they got
permission to have their daughter who is on a mission in Seoul-South to
come for their baptism. I am so excited for this wonderful event! Oh, it
is going to be so wonderful...!!!
Our intellectual investigator is missing the
boat...again. We taught about baptism and he got caught up on the
Priesthood. He wanted to know the exact history and everything for all
the different churches...all about the bare facts, etc. He's a little
hard hearted, my new companion and I will work on that.
Our studying investigator is still studying, but supposedly this is the week that he will be able to meet with us!
a great note, we met a wonderful person yesterday. His name is κΉνμ
(Kim-Tay-Won) and he came up to us and asked us what we were doing.
Well, that was music to our ears. We talked to him and bore our
testimonies of the peace and happiness that we received, and then he
asked "well what peace and what happiness?". In my mind, I basically had
a "well I thought you'd never ask" moment. It was great. I opened the
Book of Mormon and asked him to read 2 Nephi 26:24, one of my favorite
verses. It says: 24 He doeth not aanything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he bloveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw call men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation." I
then told him that I could feel the love and help of Jesus Christ every
moment as I shared the Gospel with people and that was why I was in
Korea--to share with everyone the wonderful feelings that I have
received through Jesus Christ. I could tell that he felt something. He
agreed to meet with us later and I am excited to see his progress in the
That is the thought for this week. Bear testimony!
It is what you have that no one else has--it brings the spirit fastest,
both to you and to whoever is receiving it.
I love you all! I sent some pictures, I think they are MTC only, because I can't see the pictures.

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