Halloween sounds like quite the party! Our Halloween party went really well, we received 45 referrals between two wards, which is a good number. My companion and I had two potential investigators that showed up as well as one of the less actives that we are working with.
This week went by fast, but well. This transfer passed by so quickly, and will be over after this next week. The calls came today and we will be staying the same (which is a good thing).
This week we met a referral from a youth who is really prepared to receive the gospel. He said that he wants to repent. Haha. Not much more prepared than that. So, we met with him on Saturday, and he came to church on Sunday where we taught him and another of the member's friends the first lesson. He is great. The member is awesome as well. The Lord works through many different ways to bring his children to Him.
This week also we had a little miracle that may turn into something. We met someone who had (just a week earlier) gotten home from a 2 year stay...in Utah with a Mormon family. He said that he had a very positive view of our church and with the values that we have. However, lately he has been busy because he is graduating this year (in English) and so we are still contacting him to meet. But, he has a lot of potential/
We also have the chance to meet a Korean who recently got back from the army, but before the army was faced with the decision to be baptized and not go to church for two years, or to wait, so he waited. And so we will meet him today, and hopefully everything will go really well!!!
The North Korean is still contacting but seems a little non-committed at the moment. We will continue to work with him and help him.
We also have our English investigator who is going to Canada who quit his job, and just wants to study in preparation for his departure to Canada. He didn't come to church this week, but we think that he will have more time to meet now that he doesn't have a job. He is still great.
Also, on Sunday I had a really really good chat with the son of the family who were baptized in my first area. He came to the baptismal service of our ward yesterday, and really enjoyed it. His sister got back from her mission and they are planning to work on English and the Gospel for some time and so thing are looking good for them. I think he just has a really bad Word of Wisdom problem. He is so wonderful though, I love that family sooooo much.
This week went by really well, and this next week we will work to make the most of all these opportunities that the Lord has provided for us!
I am very excited for the upcoming transfer and those to follow!!!
1 Nephi 16 is a great chapter. Everytime. This time the thing that stood out to me was the Lord's response to Lehi after he humbled himself and asked the Lord for directions. The Lord's response was "Look at the ball". In other words "do what you are supposed to be doing" and "use what you have". I feel like in our own lives we all have our individual liahonas. For missionaries it is preach my gospel, for people it is the scriptures (there's identity and purpose again...). A lot of time we may expect something new or some miraculous revelation to solve our problems. However, a lot of the time, God says, "Look at the ball". Nephi reads the ball, and it tells him to go to the top of a mountain. The Lord could have told Lehi exactly which mountain to send Nephi up, but instead He wanted Lehi and Nephi to learn to use the resources that they had. There is another lesson. Looking at the future (with the boat, etc) Nephi and Lehi needed to learn to rely and read on the ball. That is often the case with us. We need to learn to use our scriptures and the other tools that the Lord gives us. Lastly, climbing to the top of a mountain is not easy. The Lord is going to require us to work. And, when we go to the tops of mountains, at that point, through the help of the Lord and our own ability, commitment, and effort, :) our desires are realized.
I know this church is true and the end of all activity in the church is being happiest = making a family happy at home. I know that is true.
I love you all so very much!!!
Have a wonderful week!!1
William Strahl (the Elder Version)

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