Hello Mother and Family!
This week was a little bit laggish with a crazy schedule and the
Christmas Party on Friday, but we still managed to teach some and find
Waterman was unable to meet last week, so we will meet with him on Wednesday of this week.
Ahhh, the high school students. We called them and they agreed to
meet with us on Tuesday! We are excited to teach them more--especially
about the Plan of Salvation and what Heavenly Father really wants for
us, and how we can qualify to receive it!
The bus contact is amazing! He didn't come to church which was a
little bit of a disappointment, but when we called him during the week
he talked about how he had read a little bit of the Book of Mormon and
had prayed a little bit. He also said that he wanted to learn more! So,
we are excited to work with him and help him to come to know God and
Jesus Christ in his life. Right now he has been pretty busy, so
hopefully he will have a break from school so that we can meet with him
more. He seems really receptive to the spirit which is really great!
The English investigator is slowly slowly progressing. He shared
with his friend that he was going to the churchee to learn Englishee, so
we asked him to continue to share the Gospel and introduce his friends
to us. He is really slow in learning because he wants to learn
everything in English as well as in Korean, which we will discuss with
him the next meeting that we have with him. He is great!
The other potential investigator didn't have any real sincere
desire, more just a little curious and wondering about things and we
haven't been able to contact him for some time, which is unfortunate,
but is how things go sometimes.
Also, I had a really good conversation with Eric at church and he
said that he wanted to introduce us to 2 or 3 of his friends at school
to teach them about the Gospel. He also asked us some really good
questions about how to share the Gospel and how to deal with certain
situations. He's amazing. He's feeling the desire to serve a mission and
it is so inexpressibly precious and wonderful to have the opportunity
to see him and to talk with him. The Lord has Eric in His sight, as well
as each and every one of us individuals.
Also, at the Christmas Party I had a good talk with my last
companion about my previous investigators! They are doing very well and
at least one of them, if he is able to make it to church will hopefully
be baptized this coming Sunday. I don't know if he came or not, but I am
so excited for him! (He is the breakdancer that hadn't been to church
in awhile and wanted to come to church again).
The other investigator that we met for every day solid who was
older is also doing well. He said that he should get baptized as well! I
am so excited for them! They are the best!
Ahhh....Buddhism. Yep, it's not super common in America, but here
in Korea, especially in the conservative areas, I would say about 30-40%
of people are Buddhist (that is not a calculated percentage, but a mere
estimate). Buddhism is a very philosophical religion. Some Buddhists
believe in God and others do not. They believe in cycles and
reincarnation. Specifically, they have Buddhist temples where the people
go to worship. At the Temple the receive some sort of a new name and
then they bow before the Buddha in the front, some scripture from the
Buddhist text is read and then they use a hammer like thing on a bell or
something that makes a musical ticking. People that I talk to that are
Buddhist say that they are very peaceful when the go to the temple and
they worship. However, most Buddhists that I talk to mention that the
peace doesn't really follow them into the outside world. When they go to
the temple they are peaceful, but when they leave it normally leaves as
well. That's about all that I know.
This week at the Christmas party we watched Home Alone and then had
a Christmas Program (which was really good). We also watched Elder
Nelson's talk from the Christmas Broadcast from the First Presidency.
Elder Nelson taught about the peace that comes from Jesus Christ. Peace
that can always be with us, in all our stages in life and in everything
that we do and in our daily lives (of course within worthy places and
living). I felt that peace that day throughout the program and have felt
in so many times in the past 6 months that I can say that there is
nothing that can counterfeit that true and continuing peace. There is
nothing that can defeat it, except our own choices and our own neglect.
Elder Cook gave a talk in the Conference before I left (April 2013)
about personal peace. It very good! Peace comes through centering our
lives around the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. He has shown us the
way and through obeying Him we can receive that peace that transcends
all else.
Merry Christmas! Ps. in the package is a scripture chain that you
can read as a family. Just be warned that it will take probably half an
hour...so choose when you want to read it. I was assigned the topic of
keeping a Godly Perspective on missionary work and made the chain for
that purpose! I hope you enjoy the gifts!!!! I love you so much!

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