Hello Mother--
Yes! This week I had the opportunity to meet Eric. I went to the
new ward and sacrament meeting was about to start and I noticed someone
younger sitting by himself that I didn't recognize, so I decided to go
sit by him...and it was Eric! Oh my goodness it was so good to see him
again. You know he's in a boarding school right now, so he lives there
and has very little free time. However, every Sunday that there is no
school activity, he comes to church--every single week by himself
without any one else there. Also, what didn't surprise me one bit, is
that as I sat by him, I noticed what he was doing...the Duty to God
program. He is amazing. Two years of coming to church all by himself and
sticking to the Book Of Mormon and to what he came to learn and realize
in Corvallis. We were both filled with joy. He said that his parents
live about 3 hours away (in a different province) so there isn't much
hope now of teaching his parents, but if I can get contact information
and get assigned to the area, then I can help them also receive the
blessings that their son has experienced.
This new area is quite the area. It is country, which means only
130,000 people and it is more spread out than Gwang Ju. There are not as
many people walking here and there and so sometimes it is a little bit
harder to really use time effectively, but things are picking up. There
is a lot of work to do. When I arrived, there were 0 investigators. No
one to teach. So, we are finding. We are talking to all the people that
God puts in our path and helping others to find the Gospel of Jesus
We did have one contact with someone who was primarily interested
in English. In the lesson I asked him what his greatest desire was, and
he said that it was to learn English. So, then we talked about what the
Gospel can do for him and how he can gain something that is much better
than just learning English. He accepted it and at the end he prayed in
Korean and accepted to take the lessons. So, we will have the
opportunity of meeting him three times a week now.
We also met with a father of an entire family who are members, he
is the only non-member. Right now he is having problems with his family.
We talked to him, sang hymns with him, and he pretty much does not have
the desire to do. He is old and has a ton of excuses about reading the
Book of Mormon, but we are determined to help him see the benefit that
reading the Book of Mormon can have in his life and help him to realize
the blessings that are awaiting him if he will just learn and obey.
Other than that, we met a bunch of potentials on the street and so
we will see if we can get the missionary work in Gong Ju going. It will
be a slow process, but I think that the field here is extremely white
and very ready to harvest. Here in the country people seem to have more
time to talk and are a little more willing to talk about their beliefs.
That is why I love the Gospel, because it is true. Seeing people come to
realize that and to realize that they really can know for themselves
the truth of what we teach is an amazing fruit of opening our mouths.
Here are a few things that I have learned about
missionary work. First, is three things that can help you to help
someone most. First, observe, then listen, and last discern. Through
observing, listening, and discerning, you can know what to ask someone
and how to help them to receive whatever message that you hope that they
will. They will trust you more and you will feel more love for them.
Second, people, as children of God all wonder or are at least a
small bit curious about God. People care about God and about thinking
about God. Also, people need to realize that they have the ability to
find out for themselves the truth of the Gospel. Completely independent
of everyone and everything else, people can come by themselves to know
that there is a God, that He loves us, and that through the Gospel of
Jesus Christ people can find peace in this life and eternal happiness in
the next life. Every single person has divine nature.
I can't express my feelings for the work right now. They are too
great. I can't imagine doing anything else than what I am doing right
now. There is so much work to be done and so little time to do it all!
I love you all soooo much! I hope that you enjoy all of the snow and the wonderful Christmas season (ps. I get to call you then, so we need to set that up!)
I love you!

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