Hello Mother!!!
I love the comments by the return missionary. As I
am reading the Book of Mormon in Korean there are soooo many things that
have stood out to me that I have never noticed or connected before.
Korean is a very structured language, so the language sorts all of the
commas out that are in English. One quick example is in Jacob 2 (verse
2). I never realized that Jacob preached that sermon to the people inside
of the temple. When I read it in Korean there was the preposition 안으로
which literally means to the inside (the internal). The English has the
word "into". Something that I had never realized before. I have also
learned a lot from the word choice that they use when describing certain
English words. I love the scriptures so much!
This past week the Lord blessed us with some
wonderful opportunites and some...faith building...experiences. Our
investigator pool widened mercifully this past week. We met a former
investigator who teaches at a local english academy who seems to have
really great long term potential. We saw him on the street the other day
and he told us to "proclaim the one true Gospel" with energy in his
voice. He's really great and we are excited to continue to teach him the
We also met again someone that we had met before who
has lots of time to meet. The second time that we met him (28) and
preparing for a test to become an administrator, he told us that he
wanted to meet often, and later he texted us with a feeling of "Even if
you came every day, that would be good!" So, we went the next day and
taught him the first lesson, which he soaked up more than the discussion
that we had previously. Right now he has lots of good desires, but he
hasn't found the way to act according to what he knows (which hits all
of us to a certain extent...) and so we told him that through the Book
of Mormon and the church he could find that strength that he needs. He
also told us that his father is looking for a religion right now, which
prompts the potential of another investigator.
We met with the politician again and had a really
good lesson with him. So good. We testified of simple truths (God is our
Heavenly Father. We can communicate with Him through prayer) and the
spirit was strong. He said that he's lived 60 years a certain way, but
that he would try to come to know and believe God. So we will continue
to teach him again...which is really exciting!
We had a miracle with Jason this week (the one who
attended church last week). We were going to a nearby college to
advertise our english program (the freshman came to school last week)
and realized that we didn't have our stapler. So, we started walking
across the street to a paper supplies store. Right before we got to the
supplies store we saw the sisters, so we went over and talked to them.
As we were talking, Jason rode past on his bike. He stopped and we had a
really really good conversation with him. He said that he couldn't come
to church, but also that he had already read through 1 Nephi 13! The
irony of the whole situation is that I had taken my bag that didn't even
have the advertisements in it. Before we had gone, my companion asked
me if we had some, and I told him that we did (I didn't look down, but
in my mind I had on the other bag) and so if any of those small things
had not happened, we would not have met Jason. It was a great experience
and both us and Jason walked away smiling!
This past week was the thirty year anniversary of
the church in the city that I am serving in. So, there was a great
celebration and a fireside. It was a great opportunity to see the
difference in the ward through all the years, and also the similarities
in the ward through time. I really really love this ward so much. They
are so wonderful!
The English investigator came to church again and
had a really fascinating time! In Elder's quorum there was a good
discussion about the appropriate way to help your children know they
need to repent (pretty much the old physical vs. other punishment). I
thought it was funny that one of the people noted that from talking to
American missionaries, one method of punishment was making their kids
eat soap (which I have experienced...). I don't think they really
undersood though, because when the other people heard that they thought
it would kill the child. I don't think they quite understood that it
isn't a lot and it isn't straight up eating, but anyways, I laughed a
little inside. But that's beside the point. In Korea the pastors all
tell people what to do and they do it. Well, our investigator was
thoroughly impressed with the way the discussion went and the different
sides all allowed to express their views and the final decision being
placed in the decision of the person. He loved that! And then, during
sacrament meeting (when he wasn't asking me questions about English...)
he said at one point about the speaker's talk "we're in the same boat".
He was very edified at church and I am really glad that he had a great
experience. He told us that he came while his wife was sleeping...so he
still has to tell his family that he actually does have Gospel interest,
but he is very slowly progressing. He is the best. We love him so much.
We also received a referral from another area as
well as one from the sisters, so it looks like we will have our work cut
out for us this transfer. The Lord loves us and has blessed us with
this wonderful opportunity!
Recently, I have been hit by the phrase "depths of
humility". Specifically, as mentioned in one of my favorite scriptures
(Mosiah 4:11).
I have come to more fully understand that the depths of humility does
not in any way nor means mean weakening--to any degree. Another one of
my favorite scriptures, Mosiah 15:7 shows the depths of humility of
Christ. At another part of the scriptures, D&C, comments about
humility are thus "Learn of me, listen to my words, walk in the meekness
of my spirit and you shall have peace in me." and "Let all things be
done in humility, trusting in me, reviling not against
revilers".The depths of humility is the point where we have given
everything to the Lord. The point where the Lord is able to pour
out His spirit and give us strength that "is not known among man". It is
hard and sometimes it must be learned through experience, but when we
rely on the Lord with an eye single to His glory, that is when we are
able to what we desire, but only when it is the Lord's
will...which molds and shapes us in our journey as we try to obtain the
mind and will of Christ for us. Like Christ did. "I am Jesus Christ,
I came by the will of the Father and I do His will." That is the depths
of humility. "I am Elder Strahl, I came by the will of the Father (to
Korea), and I do His will". Not my will, but thine be done. And if by
His will, then by His power (Moroni 7:33).
I know this is the Lord's work! I love it! I know that God lives and knows each of us!
I love you so much! Have a wonderful week!
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