Hello Mother and Family!
Sounds like the
new Minnesota (as compared to the usual colloquial old...) home is doing
great! Reid will do great things at BYU-I and I think that he will
really like it! It's a very good school for him! Has he decided on a
major? Yeah, Christian emailed me to brag, and I had an (yep, that's my
brother) moment. Snow...haha. Spring comes pretty early in Korea. Pretty
much March 1st is when people say that it is spring time and it is. It
is usually in the high 50s every day with lots of sun (when there isn't
black sand blowing in from China....)! Charlotte will adapt well and
will do great things in Arizona. And, if you can switch jobs every six
weeks (that's a transfer by the way) then I feel like there's not much
that you can't do. She will be so prepared by the time she's done!
I do not know Sister Hangano, sorry. I will keep my ears peeled for her name.
sent me a picture of the facebook post...and yeah, Eric is wonderful.
There's a little bit more to the story, though. When I first came to the
ward, Eric was sitting there [off by himself]
doing his duty to God in English. As the weeks have passed and he has
learned and continued to soak up the Gospel. Last week he was ordained a
priest and yesterday he was able to bless the sacrament for the first
time. He also bore his testimony to the ward.
There was more to the presentation. First of all it was an
English class. She called and asked if we would come and teach them a
little about the pioneers and life of America, etc. My companion and I
called the teacher and asker her if there was anything that we couldn't
do or say. She said there wasn't. So, we brought a bag full of Book of
Mormons and basically planned to teach the first lesson. (It's a private
school of the smartest kids around). The presentations went so well. It
was great because the teacher asked us to translate only the section of
the first lesson (First Vision and after) into both Korean and English
so that the students could not misunderstand. It was so wonderful to be
able to tell it in both languages! We then talked about the migration
and the persecution, the teacher had a wonderful Mormon tabernacle choir
movie (Come Come ye Saints) which we showed, and then at the end we
asked them Why? Why would the pioneers do this? And then we taught a
little bit about the Book of Mormon and then took questions and by that
time the 50 minutes were up. It went really well.
The part that Eric didn't tell you was that 6 of the people
that we taught (who were all his age) came up and asked for Book of
Mormons which we readily gave out. I was talking to one of them and he
told me that he was Eric's roommate. He said that he had seen Eric
reading this book all the time. I can't tell you how big I smiled
inside. Anyways, I told all of the classes to talk to Eric if they had
any questions or wanted to more...and they did.
In his testimony, Eric talked about the opportunity that he had
to share the Gospel with his friends. In his testimony he said that he
came to realize how wonderful of an opportunity it is to be able to
share the Gospel to friends. I cannot tell you of the joy that this
opportunity has given me in the past week. He was so happy to have the
opportunity to talk to his friends about the church and why he attends.
Also in this testimony he opened up to the ward and told them a little
more about him. I love him so much.
On top of that, we had two investigators who came to
church! One of them was the English investigator, who is slowly
realizing that there is a lot more to this church than he originally
thought. The members are working great with him because he has very
complicated questions that although we can try to explain in Korean and
English...don't quite get into his brain. He is very happy though, and
the difference that I have seen in him is great. We also met Jason an 18
year-old kid this past week who said that he wanted more faith and that
God had prepared a way for him. We met him, taught him the first lesson
and he has been reading the Book of Mormon and came to church
yesterday. We also found another Nepal person who seems very friendly
and will hopefully work well with the other Nepali person that is very
prepared for baptism.
Yep, I cannot say much more than Ammon about this as
he did in Alma 26:11. "Yea, behold, I do not boast in my own strength,
nor in my own wisdom, but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim
with joy, and I will rejoice in my God!" I can't tell you of the
opportunities that have "lined" up with Eric in the last little bit.
Timing has been exact, and I definitely have a testimony as Einstein
once said "God does not roll dice". The people that you know are in your
life for a reason. There are people that you know that can have the joy
of the Gospel. The Atonement is real. I also want to share another
special verse. "Pray always, and I will pour out my spirit upon you, and
great shall be your blessing--even more than if you should obtain the
treasures of the earth and corruptibleness to the extent thereof."
Praying grants blessings greater than anything that we can obtain on the
earth. Do we treat it that way?
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week in Minnesota!!!
With Love,
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