Hey mother and Family!
This week went by well!!!
Sounds like everyone in the family is doing well, and not too cold in Minnesota...!!! Here in Korea there is a joke that there are 4 days warm, then 3 days cold. It is very true! Here it pretty warm for 4 days (in the 50s) and then pretty cold for 3 days (20s-30s). It is quite fun. The humidity here is what makes it feel so cold.
This week the investigator that was supposed to get baptized this Friday had to postpone his baptism. His struggling with lots of different things right now, but the core of the entire thing is really his family relationship. I talked to him extensively about why baptism is so important for us and our families and he eventually decided that it would be good if his entire family could come to church. So, we will be meeting his parents in the near future. Pray for us! They need the Gospel in their lives!!!
The family that was supposed to drive us punked (which is actually a Korean word meaning they didn't show up...it might be in English also???) anyways, that was sad, but we visited their home, so we can contact them later and help them to the Gospel!!!
The other family came again to church and we were able to have a lesson with them (they don't have a lot of Gospel interest, but they do have English interest) in English with the famous movie star that goes to our ward. It was good and their kids are literally the CUTEST things that I have ever seen. They are great!
The high school kid had to go with his parents somewhere and so he was unable to come to church yesterday. He's doing well and will come when he has time.
The investigator who lived in Utah with the LDS family went with us to the movie star's house for lunch. He is doing great, he is learning and wanting to know more about our religion. He is also working on referring his friends to us. He said that he would come to church (for the first time!) this Sunday. Hopefully he follows through!!!
Those are the investigators that we have that have good potential for progression to baptism.
This past week I reflected a lot on the relationship that we as humans have with God. There is the direct relationship through prayer and scripture study and the indirect relationship through our relationships with others. The key teaching of the scriptures is that God comes first, before any other person. Which is why prayer, scripture reading, and going to Church are so vital for spiritual growth. If we do those things, then the relationships we have with others will take care of themselves!!!
Remember that prayer is direct communication with our Heavenly Father. If you pray as if everything that you prayed for would be granted, then you will be more careful in the words and attitude that you have. He lives and He loves us. Each and every one of us. I know that is true!!!
I love you all so much!
Have a wonderful week and I wish you success in all that you do!!!
Elder William Strahl

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