Ok, time for a legit email... :)
Sounds like the family is all doing really well in the various places of the United States they are in.
The last two weeks have been a little bit hectic. One of investigators has had a baptismal date for 1/23 and so we have been working to help him get prepared, but he is getting buffeted by Satan. He is really struggling with commitment to the commandments and baptism by his date. We will help him and try to help him overcome the things that are holding him back. He is on a very fine plane right now--aka he can go one way or the other way...
We had a member bring a family to church that we were able to sit by and will be able to start to teach. They have THE CUTEST kids EVER. Their english names are David and Jenny and they are soooo adorable. We are excited to work with them and help them to come to Christ as a family!
We also met another family last night. They are wonderful, the husband told us that he hasn't attended church, but when he saw us, he felt something different, and so he agreed to drive us to church and attend on Sunday with his wife and daughter (she is mentally handicapped).! That is exciting.
We had our high school investigator come to church yesterday as well. He is doing well. He is quiet, but we hope that he liked church and that he will continue to come.
We have met a lot of new people the last little bit, including another member (same member) referral. Member referrals are the best:)
We have met our friend, Min, and he is a very unstable person. He just doesn't have the confidence to give up the world and try to start coming to church which is sad. But we are helping him to see that church and belief in God is the best way to happiness.
This week went by well. I thought a lot about charity. Compassion is what helps us give to people without being tainted by the pride of giving just to give, or to give for our own benefit.
There is a fine line in the balance of progression and pride. If we progress through prideful motivations, we cannot have charity, if we give up all prideful notions, and act without the thought of progression for ourselves, then we can have charity, which in all reality is the most valuable and lasting progression. All summed up in the scripture "He that findeth his life shal l lose it: and he that loseth his lifefor my sake shall find it."
Quite the balance... but I know that as we work out of a sincere love and compassion for people that we can learn things that we could never learn if we are focused on our own progression and obtainment. I love you all!!!
Elder William Strahl

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