Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Hey mother and famliy!

This week went by very well! We had a lot of dropped appointments, but some very nice surprises. 

Our Australia bound investigator did not have time this past week, and so we were unable to meet him this past week. His mom went to the emergency room a little bit ago, and so we weren't able to meet with him...which he leaves in just over a week to Australia. We will try to get him set up best for his trip to Australia. 

There is a holiday around this time in Korea for the students: they have a day off of school after midterms. Our Chinese teacher also had a break and went to Seoul...and so we were unable to meet with him.

However, this past week, the Mongolian member that we met a while ago gave us a wonderful referral. He is the greatest member and he referred to us his neighbor who is Mongolian, but speaks very good Korean. It was great to see a member be so friendly with his friend and to share the Gospel with him. He told his friend that the church was something that had really helped his life. He asked him to meet with him and the missionaries and to learn about the church. He then told him that if he liked the church, then he could continue to attend, but if he did not, he could stop. Anyways, his friend is now investigating the church and with such a great friend, we are hoping for fast progression. We also met with another investigator who lives in the island that is to the South of Mokpo. He said that he attended our church a little bit before and that he also learned english about 15 years ago in a different city in Korea. We met with him, and he has interest in both learning English and learning the Gospel and so we are excited to teach and help him to be able to come unto Christ. 

Throughout this week, I had a thought about the importance of high demands and a dedicated heart. Honestly, no matter how high the demands are on a person, those demands cannot benefit a person to the greatest degree without the heart of the compliant in the effort. In sports, playing and practicing without heart does not improve you as much as practicing and playing with all your heart. That being said, without demands, there is no continual exertion of that effort backed up by heart. Demands give the opportunity to break out of our comfort zones and improve our selves. This principle is clearly seen in the covenants of the church which demand a lot. The only thing that Christ asks for as a sacrifice in these days (instead of the lambs, etc., in the old days) is a broken heart and a contrite spirit. The ability to put our heart into the demands of the Lord. Not for ourselves, but for Him. That is something that I have learned this week as a senior companion as I have tried to help my younger companion get to speed with missionary work. There are lots of demands, but those demands are all there to help him to be the best missionary that he can be. He is great, and I know that the Lord feels the same about me as I feel about him. The Lord puts demands on me to help whip me into shape that will allow me to live with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. I know that God lives and He loves us. I know that  through Jesus Christ we all be happiest in this life.

I love you all so very much!
Have a wonderful week and I will email you next week!!!
Love you!
Elder Strahl

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