Hey mom and family,
The Mongolian investigator is doing well. We weren't able to meet with him last week because of work, but the week before we met with him and the member and we discussed the Plan of Salvation. It went well and the investigator is now making his decision to try the church thing and become a good person, or not.
We have an investigator that is progressing really well, we met him on Tuesday and he told us that he is going to be traveling to Europe for the next 2 weeks, which means that he will be able to see me, right before I end and go back to the States.
One of the Chinese investigators that we are teaching asked his parents about baptism and his parents want him to wait until after he goes back to China to get baptized. He will still meet with us and we will help him to find truth.
We are meeting a man studying to be a public officer. He knew a college professor that goes to our church who is now serving a mission in Seoul. He may progress slowly but he does have interest in meeting and learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The investigator on the island south of Mokpo turned out to be a Less active member that moved from Seoul. And, one of the people that he knew in Seoul, moved to Gwangju and is now the ward missionary leader there. So, we are hoping to get them connected and get his family (who haven't been baptized) out to church and contributing to the ward here.
The other Chinese investigator that had interest in learning and coming to church is touring Korea for the next 3 weekends and cannot come to church or meet with usㅠㅠ
I love you so much!!!
Elder Strahl

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