Hello! Mother and Family!
Wow! Sounds like a perfect little break there in Minnesota! Here there is no break--which is great! We had transfer calls today and I am not transfering and neither is my companion, which means that we will have another transfer together in kong ju together with our investigators! Sickness is not good, don't worry I haven't been sick yet (knock on wood...)! Hopefully with the few extra days with rest the family was able to fully recover.
This past week went well.
First, we met with Waterman and realized that he didn't quite know English as well as we thought he did. He seemed to be a completely different person when we taught him this week. He wouldn't really listen to us and told us that if we wanted to visit again then we could not share anything about the Gospel. We will still continue to visit him from time to time because he likes the church enough to refer his students to come to our church. Very sad.
Second, we met with the politician again who is a very interesting person. He told us that he has never thought about or believed in God. Not once. So we started from step one and taught him about God. He is very open to the religion and to the truth, even if his heart is set on the wrong things right now. He is very money oriented. His biggest question is that if God has all power, why would he allow all the suffering and starvation to occur in Africa. His main concern is money. He wants more. So, we will continue to teach him, and as he believes and accepts then the spirit can enter his heart and allow him to feel the mighty change of heart described by the prophet Alma. I am excited to continue to meet with him. The lesson was amazing. We basically introduced God to him, which was a very special experience to me. I really really enjoyed it.
Third, we met a teenager on the street who came back for a return appointment. We taught him the first lesson and he agreed to be baptized and set a date for the 26th of January. However, he didn't come to church yesterday so the date will have to be pushed back a week, but we are so very excited for him. He is a great youth (18 yrs old American age) and has a fairly strong belief in God. He is so great!
Fourth, we met a person from China this week! He is hard to communicate with because he knows a little bit of Korean and a little bit of English, but not enough to the point that we can talk to him in a very meaningful way. We have Chinese speakers in our ward so we will work with them to help teach him.
The high school students continue to evade contacting...which is very unfortunate but happens.
Our English investigator was in the hospital this week for his leg that he was getting treatment for, so we were unable to meet him. He is great though. He told us that he knows that when he gets treatment and if he has to get an operation that the only thing that he can really do for himself is to pray. He is learning that there are things that we have to rely on God for. He is slowly turning and coming to understand and believe in God, his loving Heavenly Father.
Let's see. Oh, so we had the greatest conversation with a man on the street. He was telling us that we need to take care of our families first and then attend to church business (when we grew up) and we explained to him that we were voluntarily serving so that other people's families could be together forever. He had the greatest attitude and sense of humor, it was really enjoyable talking to him. The best part was the end. Nothing amazingly miraculous, but at first he wouldn't really listen to us, but at the end we came off with a sort of deal. He asked us to take care of our families when we went back and got married, etc., and we told him that he needed to think more about being with his family forever. He needed to think more about the life after this and about the possibilities in front of him. We didn't get his phone number, but it was a really powerful conversation that led to one of God's children understanding a little bit more about himself and God's plan for him! It was absolutely wonderful!
This past week went by really well! Remember some very important things. First of all, every single person is a child of God. That includes you, me, your neighbor, your friend, etc. Everyone has a Heavenly Father. That being said, treat others, and yourself, as if you are such. Second, Heavenly Father loves us and has provided us with a way to be happy in this life. If you follow the way you are happy now and forever. If you don't, you may feel happy now, but you won't forever. That way is simple and involves five steps. Faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. That's it. It is very simple, but inexpressibly beautiful.
I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that He loved us enough to send His Son Jesus Christ, so that we can learn, grow, progress, and eventually return to live with Him again. I know that He teaches His Gospel through prophets, both in the Bible and today. In this time, God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet. Joseph Smith restored the original church of God back to the earth. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called of God to lead His people. I know that through abiding by the precepts found in Book of Mormon a man can get nearer to God than through the precepts of any other book. I know that Jesus Christ lives. He is at the head of His church and I am doing His work. He knows us and He loves us. He is an unchangeable being. Of that I am sure.
Remember, that He knows all things. If you want to know truth, then ask Him. Sincerely ask Him and you will be able to know by the power of the Holy Ghost. I know that anyone who sincerely wants to find truth must ask sincerely for it. What does it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? (D&C 88:33) In order to receive the gift, we must ask for it. So ask! Sincerely do so, there is nothing that you have to lose, but everything that you can gain!
I love you all! You are the best. Remember the importance of Faith, Hope, and Charity. If you want something to study read Pray Always by Elder Bednar. It's really good!
Have a wonderful week!

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