Dear Mother and Family!
Wow this week has gone by and what a wonderful week it has been!
Many of our investigators were unable to meet us, but we still met some and taught them.
First, I have some good news! I had the opportunity to baptize two of the sister's investigators yesterday! It was my first experience baptizing, and I will tell you that some things happen once in a lifetime, and somethings happen once in eternity. It was a really special day for them (girls ages 14 &12) and they really enjoyed the baptism. It was really special to me to be able to represent Jesus Christ in the waters of Baptism.
Let's see, the investigator with the baptismal date when to Japan for awhile, which is a bummer, but we will be able to get in contact with him when he gets back.
The investigator at the hospital saw a wonderful miracle. The doctors told him that he was going to have to lose 2 toes because of a disease that he has. Well, he has already lost 1 toe and the thought of losing 2 more was a very damaging thought. So, we taught him about Priesthood blessings and gave him one. We told him that he could be healed if he had the faith to be healed. Well, we got a call from him the next day saying that when the doctors went to operate on him, they only had to cut one toe. He told us before that if he would only lose one toe that he would believe in God (this is the English investigator). So, he has had a small, but hopefully very profound change of heart and willl hopefully start coming out to church after he leaves the hospital. I am so thankful to God that He provided this miracle for us to help us in the work.
The politician couldn't meet. The investigator who was going to get a divorce didn't! We is really busy now, however, so we are unable to meet with him as well.
Everything is going very well and the work is progressing and the Lord is showing His hand among the children of men! I love Him and the work that I am doing for Him. He is my Savior and my Redeemer, and yours as well.
I love you all, have a wonderful week!

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