Hello Mother and Family!!!
Thank you for the New Year wishes! Wow! It sounds so cold in Minnesota! It's pretty warm in Korea (comparatively); we had a day in the 50s last week! That is so cold...wow. I don't think I quite comprehend. Utah was cold, but not that cold. Be safe and careful!
That's such a wonderful New Year's goal! Continue to help the missionaries! The missionaries love it when they have someone that they know will help them well and is reliable to call on!
Yep, Gong Ju is a different place, but we are working hard and hoping to build the area up.
This past week we had a wonderful experience with the ward. Every year (or most years) the ward climbs to the top of a mountain and watches the sun rise. It is really really wonderful because the sun rises just over the peak of an adjacent mountain. It's a slow process, but so beautiful. Then, they have a short spiritual thought and then break up into families where they say a family prayer for the new year. The symbolism was so rich as I watched the sun rise over the mountain. Such a good tradition and a beautiful way to start the new year!
This week we met a few investigators that seem to have some great potential. The first two that we met are a father and a son. They are wonderful. He (the dad) lived in America for forty years and is fluent in English, and moved back to Korea for the past 2 1/2 years to do business. Neither of them have any friends here in Korea right now, so when we went over to their house they opened up about the many difficulties that they are facing right now (which are really intense and sensitive). Really, he spelled out his relationship with God on the table. We realized immediately that God has sent us to them to help their family and to help them to accept the Gospel. We taught him about God and he responded that he knows the answer that he will get if he asks God and that if he asks God he will give into the answer that he will receive, but he doesn't want to face the answer. Our hearts went out to him. I haven't loved a man more quickly in all of my mission. His son is great as well. Anyways, we are excited to work with him and get the dad to turn to God and to take the answer that he will get and to trust God that it will be for his happiness. He is wonderful.
The English investigator that we have been meeting is progressing. Wow. We taught him and helped him see that he can live with his mother again. His mother is a sensitive topic, but helped him to realize the possibility and the existence of God. The next time when he came in, he didn't focus on the English but wanted us to teach him! He has been getting sick and last night when we called we told him that God could help him and he said "I believe you"!! We are excited for him.
We haven't yet met Waterman, but will continue to try. The high school students have not answered our calls.
We also met another person who seems to have interest, at least a little bit, in what we are doing here. He is a previous politician who is now teaching English. Supposedly he was the last President of Korea's secretary, but the people in this area apparently don't really believe that. He came to church for about 15 minutes, but was a little apprehensive around all the people. So he left before the meeting. We haven't had a formal teaching situation with him yet, but hopefully we will have the opportunity this upcoming week.
I love you all so much! You are all the best. Keep on doing your best, putting the Lord first and being happy!

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