Hello mother and Family!!!
First off, the
weather here has turned absolutely gorgeous (70s-80s every day) and at
the conclusion of general Conference the Elders are no longer required
to wear their suit jackets, which is always a little bit exciting when
it is 80 degrees out...:)
Wow. My last 3 companions were all from Utah and
they all had release seminary time...they do not understand the meaning
of early morning seminary. It is a wonderful thing, that really prepares
you for the mission (at least the waking up part).
Sounds like everyone is doing really well. That is
really great that Rachel had the opportunity to go to Kansas for some
time and see all of the historical church sites. I remember when we went and some of the experiences we
had there. Really great experience.
This past week went really well. I had one companion
leave and another come. My new companion is a great missionary. He
loves motorcycles, played on the BYU ice-hockey team and is all around
excited to get to work (which is music to my ears...!) We will have
great times in 공주 serving the Lord together.
Yes! Our english investigator came for 3 sessions of
general conference! He watched it in English with the Americans, but
was still able to feel the spirit. I smiled to myself when he was
talking about the really great feeling that he had and one of our
members told him that it was the spirit. He said that it must be.
Funny story...he asked for tapes of the English scriptures and one
of our members got him a set of Doctrine and Covenants, Book of Mormon
and Hymns all on Casette tape. So, then when I was talking to him, he
told me that he had a question. "What does "and it came to pass"
mean...?" I laughed.
Our other investigators took the companion switch
well. We haven't been able to contact the Gwang Ju investigator (because
he is testing...) but our member who has a good relationship with him
seems to think that everything will be alright. I am hopeful as well.
The new family hasn't met with us for the last two weeks. We met our
politician investigator on the street yesterday and we will meet him on
Tuesday. We haven't met anyone new to teach, but there is a lot of
potential. We have met some great people on the street the past few days
and hopefully we will be able to meet with them!
I appreciated your comments about authority and
controling them to conform to the ways and the will of God.That is a
good thought that can do all of us good to the extent that we have
authority and power...which we all have at least over our agency.
This past Conference was sooo good!!! I liked all of
the talks. I learned a lot. A lot is going on these days, and I think
in the past 7 or so years the quote "of all the sad words of tongue and
pen, the saddest are these, it might have been" has come up at least 3
times (Elder Hales once, President Monson once, President Uchtdorf
once...and maybe more...) In today's world and in the future there are
going to be many more choices available, many different ways to go, and
many good things to do. But, I feel that with all of these choices and
good things, there are many that will get lost in the midst of good
things and fall short of the best things. If we focus absolutely
on the best of all things...Jesus Christ, then the way is clear. In
missionary work we follow a simple pattern that helps us to keep our
priorities straight. We have a purpose and from that purpose we develop
some sort of vision (whether for language, missionary work, member work,
etc.). Then, we look at the vision and realize what specific steps we
need to do to accomplish the vision. Very specific. Then, the next two
steps are almost always skipped. Plan. Specifically when and where. Then
we hold ourselve accountable. Through this way we can avoid the
distractions and focus on what matters most. Very important lesson that I
have learned on my mission. What is your purpose? What are your visions
for this life? What specific things do you need to do to accompish that
vision? When will you do it? Who will know? Very good way to accomplish
what you want! (Think about the Plan of Salvation and God...)
Love you so much! I hope that you have the best week! Keep up the great work, I love you!

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