Dear mother and family!!!
Wow...already spring break!!! I can't believe it is already April (tomorrow...)!!! I remember having a conversation with one of my favorite Elders in September about how how before we would know it October would arrive. Well, before I knew it, April came. And that means General Conference!!!!!
I loved your thought from the talk "The Character of
Christ". That was one of the films that they showed at the MTC. It was
so good. Incredibly good. Very inspiring. I loved that talk and will
always remember it!
Yep, mothers are important. I like to compare the war chapters of
the Book of Mormon (because they were written for our day) the battle
that Satan is raging on the family. As our Book of Mormon professor
pointed out, if you study the progression of the war, the turning point
of the war happens when the 2000 strippling warriors join the battle.
From that point on, the Nephites begin and eventually take back their
lands. So, at the real core of the victory, was, the mothers and what
they taught their sons. Which is really the key (amidst other
principles) to raising strong families and defeating the war that Satan
is raging on the family.
This past week was a great week.
English investigator...he is slowly progressing. He came to church
yesterday and he really enjoyed it. Especially the Gospel Principles
class (which is him the Elders and Dragon Tiger (see the picture)) He is
slowly realizing truth and coming to know the goodness of the Gospel.
We love him a lot! He is still waiting to decide to get baptized, but he
is coming to church every week (the 5th time!) and is doing well with
the members. We have hope for him!
Grass, in a nutshell, doesn't really exist
(at least real grass) in Korean cities. The try sometimes, but it
doesn't compare to grass in the United States. Also there aren't really a
lot of houses here...mostly high rise apartments. The houses that are
here don't have yards.
The Gwangju investigator (see the picture) is doing
really well. He is really receptive to the spirit and understands the
Gospel very well. When we taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he
asked at the end, so when/what do I have to do to get baptized. That was
great. He then naturally realized well, I guess I have to have faith
first, and then repent. Then we set a date with him (for the 20th of
April) and he has realized that it is all up to him and the time in
which he can develop patterns of faith and repent. He came to the last 5
minutes of church yesterday (college student that slept in) which was
good because there was a baptismal service that he was able to attend
and he was able to mingle with the single adults of the ward. We are
excited to continue to teach him and help him realize the blessings of
all those who sincerely follow the Gospel.
The new family is doing well. We taught them
yesterday and they asked tons of questions about the church. They seemed
fairly interested, and hopefully will come to church or some other
activity in the near future. We are planning to give them a "For the
Strength of Youth" next week and help them understand the blessing to
families that the church has.
I read a verse in Doctrine and Covenants: (35:24) " 24 aKeep all the commandments and covenants by which ye are bound; and I will cause the heavens to bshake for your cgood, and dSatan shall tremble and eZion shall frejoice upon the hills and gflourish;"
We are bound to our covenants, to the extent of which God will
cause the heavens to shake for our good, Satan will tremble, and Zion
will rejoice upon the hills and flourish. I know this is true. I also
know that Zion can be anywhere. Our homes, our hearts, our wards, our
missions, etc. Which will rejoice and flourish if we keep the
commandments and covenants that we have bound ourselves to God with. I
love you so much!!! Have a great week and enjoy the warmer spring

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