Sounds like quite the wonderful week!
This week we had a great week.
swimming investigator was able to come to a young men's activity (Ping
Pong) which was really good for him. He had a great time, although he
didn't come to church the next day (we will help him). The English
investigator is...well stubborn. He now going to decide whether he will
be baptized in November...but he's great as ever.
Our Chinese investigator was only able to meet on Monday, but there wasn't a teaching opportunity, but he is really sincere!
we were able to teach another person that we met in an apartment, and
Eric brought one of his friends to church who we were able to help teach
as well. He is doing so well...I am so happy for him!
This past week Korea was absolutely great, and it seems that our family was great as well! I love all of you soo much!
other day we knocked into another missionary of another church. He knew
English fluently, so after we basically taught him the first lesson he
then told us the flaws in our church through English. He then let us ask
him questions about his belief, etc. It was such a great opportunity to
talk to someone that actually knew a little about what they were
talking about. He had read and understood the Bible very well, so it was
very interesting to see where there belief different. (He was part of a
non-denominational sect) The clearest difference was two-fold:
covenants and priesthood. Remember the sacredness of these two very
important things. God is a God of order through the Priesthood and we
receive the highest of all blessings through the Priesthood as we make
and keep covenants.
are the most important things. And yes mother, I cannot be a more happy
son who had parents who showed me such a great example!!!

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