This past week quite a bit happened. We taught investigators, met an Apostle...yeah, a pretty big week.
week we had a traveling AP stay with us for a few days. He was going
home in two weeks and so it was great to have his company, wisdom, and
insight as we did missionary work.
We continued to teach our English investigator who
consistently insists on 11/29 as his baptismal date. He is so ready, but
wants to wait. I am just glad that he understands that baptism is a
promise with God and takes that seriously. I am confident that he can
stay in the church and that he will be baptized in November. He is solid
and really enjoys church.
We also met with our Jehovah's Witness investigator
and I used some of the scriptures that you pointed out. He continues to
learn and to consider and to ponder the message of the Restoration. He
will hopefully soon realize the truth of the message and commit to start
coming to church.
We met with our elderly friend that we started to
teach again. We taught him about prayer (which he hasn't said out loud
before). He really seems to want to change and believe but that means
that he has to give up drinking and smoking, which he likes quite a lot.
His wife is much to enthusiastic about baptism and reminds him that she
has absolutely know gospel knowledge and so it is not the learning that
is important, but joining the family. He really doesn't like her
insistence which has been incessant for the last 30 years...but, he
really does believe that the church is true and that it is great, and so
if he has desires we and God will work with him to help him become more
committed to Jesus Christ.
We weren't able to meet with our ping-pong investigator or our restaurant friend. The Gwangju investigator continues to be busy.
We met with the 28 year old and had a really good message with Ether 12:27. Hopefully we will be able to get some sparks flowing in his life.
Well, this week we got to have a meeting with Elder
Christofferson of the 12, Elder Maynes of the Presidency of the 70 and
Elder Whiting of the Area Presidency. It was a great meeting. As an
entire mission, we all sang many hymns to prepare for their arrival.
Then, Sister and Elder Maynes spoke, and then Sister and Elder
Christofferson spoke. Elder Christofferson opened up the meeting to a
general question and answer session, free for anyone to ask anything. It
was a great experience and we learned a lot.
Elder Christofferson also spoke at a general meeting
for the members on Saturday night where he told the people of Korea
that the promise in the Book of Mormon that those who kept the
commandments who prosper in the land applied to the land of Korea as
well. We also had a special stake conference on Sunday where Elder and
Sister Maynes presided and spoke.
This week there has been a lot on my mind about a
lot of things. It has now been a full year since I entered the MTC and I
have exactly that amount of time left on my mission. I have learned a
lot about planning on my mission. Planning is how we organize time. The
way that I think about it is through bricks. Right now, our time is out
there in scattered bricks. However, as we plan, we take those bricks of
time and we arrange them into something more useful and more productive.
Elder Christofferson said in a General Conference that this life is a
stewardship of time and choices. Through those two gifts, all other
results come. We can plan our time to use it effectively, and we can
plan our choices (which we will make and which we will not make).
Through doing so, we, in effect, organize the result of our time and
choices, which is our character. So, planning is key in becoming who we
want to be. The mission is a prototype of life. The same principles
apply. I have so much time on my mission and we all have so much time in
our lives. We know about how much time we have, but we can never be
certain. But, one thing is for sure, that if we plan then we will
accomplish our desires, and become who we want to be. To me there are
several definitions for the word discipline. But, one that I like is
"Doing what we need to do when we need to do it because we planned it
that way". God is a God of order, and He created the Plan of Salvation
to accomplish His purposes. We can do and become who we want to become
by planning. I know that is true.
I love you all so much and hope that every thing is going absolutely wonderful!!!! You are the best!!

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