I got
an email from the Shottons! They said that John was called to the
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar mission! I am so excited for him! He will do great!
This week we had a very good week with investigators.
met with our English investigator and he is his regular stubborn, but
also stubbornly solid self. He's great and has taught me patience almost
every day for the past 7 months.
We met with our swimming investigator and he has decided to join the church! He will be preparing to be baptized around July 20th.
We met with a member and they clicked immediately, and he really had a
desire to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. His parents do not have a
religion, and so this may be the beginning of an entire family coming
into the church (hopefully!!!) He stayed after church for a bit on
Sunday and met all of the ward members and the young men's president
(etc...there are only like 5-10 leaders, let alone adult males in the
ward). He is so wonderful and prepared. I am so happy for the
opportunity that we have had to work with him.
We were not able to meet with the Jehovah's witness, but we will
hopefully be able to meet with him this week. His wife was a little ill.
also met with some other people that the Lord led us to. We were able
to meet in the home of a family who knows one of the members. It was a
fairly good visit, although they are really not that interested in the
Gospel. It was a great opportunity to introduce our message! They said
that they would read the Book of Mormon as sort of a "wisdom book" and
so there is still hope for them to come to Christ.
We also were able to meet 3 new Sri Lankan
investigators. We went to an apartment complex and we here a "Hello!" We
look up and there's someone on the fourth floor up who is waving to us
(he's definitely not Korean). His friends come to see us and we asked to
come and visit. They said that we could, so we taught them the first
lesson. One of the Sri Lankans, as we bore testimony said "I feel it, I
feel that it is true". They work really hard (7am-9pm)
every day and their boss has them go to church in Taejeon (bosses here
do that to there employees: make them go to a certain church...) but,
with a testimony of the Book of Mormon and a lot closer church,
hopefully we can help them. Unfortunately I don't think the Book Of
Mormon has been printed in their language (Sinhalese). The lds.org
website doesn't have their language, but they know a little English and
a little Korean (so we would teach in Korean, then translate to English
and then they would discuss it in Sinhalese...quite the experience)
I am so happy for all of the great things that are happening in our family! So wonderful.
thing that I want to share comes from what Elder Christofferson shared
with us. In the question and answer section a missionary asked how he
could better prepare for trials. Elder Christofferson responded that
trials will come, sooner or later, and the difference between those who
victor and those who don't is where you turn. He used the verse in Alma
62 But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of th e war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become harden ed, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their afflictions, insomuch th at they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility. <-- that one!
He said that trials will come regardless, but that
during those trials, who we turn to will make the biggest outcome in the
result. He said that eventually we will face a trial that we cannot
overcome on our own, no matter how much we rely on ourselves. He then
outlined in his life his example of such a trial. He explained that the
Lord required him to patiently pray and turn to God every single day and
make ends meet one day at a time, watching as God helped him conquer
his situation piece by piece bit by bit at a time. I know that this is a
true principle. Who we turn to in times of both abundance and
destitution determines the result. I know that as we turn to Christ, He
will help us and deliver us from our trials, but it may a period of
days, months, years, before we see His full arm revealed. Turn to
Christ. Mosiah 7:33.
I know that this work is true. God answers the prayers of the faithful
and helps us to accomplish His work! I love you all so much! Continue to
enjoy the graduation tour!!!

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