Monday, December 15, 2014



. Glad that everything has been going well back in Minnesota!!! Seems cold! It has gotten a lot colder here in Korea, but it is still normally above freezing (although because of the high humidity it feels super cold).

Reid in the choir!!! That is exciting! When is he going to get his mission call??? You have to let me know when!!! Christian is so lucky to get to see grandma and grandpa so much. In Korea the Confucianism background is very strong (they literally bow to their parents and ancestors at various stages of the culture). Anyways, I have of course felt and realized the grandness of the aged. I really miss them.

Afron is doing well, we met with him and taught the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. He drinks with his friends, so he will have to work to overcome that. I love that when we taught him the Word of Wisdom, he said "Everyone knows that these things are bad for you, but they do them anyways". He knows, it will just take time to help him to find strength through the Atonement to overcome and progress. He is great. He can start coming to church in January! He seems a little knocked down at the Word of Wisdom, but through prayer and scripture study he will be able to overcome!

Haha. In Korean "한드폰을 잃었던 구도자 함께 만날 수 있었나요?", (your question) is literally translated: phone lost investigator with were able to meet?  SO...yes!!! You are getting the backwardness of Korean!!!  we were not able to meet with him. He is in testing period (in Korea the test is at the end of December, so the whole month is "testing period", where parents take their kids phones away and limit the time that they go out) So he will be able to meet on Saturday, but Sunday is impossible. 

The bus investigator stopped answering his phone :(. Maybe later he will answer and come...

The high school student had to go to look at colleges and was not able to meet this weekend. But we ran into him again on the street, and he seems to be doing pretty well. He wakes up really late. I called him at 2:30pm on Saturday and he had just woken up...crazy!!! I agree that there are second shift people, but I also think that everyone can become a 1st shift person :) Like the old days. (any generation before 1960...) 

The basketball investigator was not able to meet (testing period), and so hopefully this week he will be able to meet, even if once. Thanks for the tip! We will try to help be accepted by members and feel accepted and loved by God!

The Pakistani Investigator is ok. He lost his job and hates Korea. He wants to go to America. We taught him the plan of Salvation. And he liked to think about where we came from before we were born. He said he will come to church next week, but we don't know how much he really is thinking about changing. (korean lesson 101#2. In Korean you can honorify people (that you are talking about) as well as honorify through the tense at the end, the person that you are speaking to. It is always rude to honorify yourself, and so when you speak, you always have to be conscious about who you are speak about and who you are speaking to...there are 4 different levels of respect, with three that are commonly used. (The fourth is specifically to a king (or to God when praying)) 

Nathan's twin is not musical... but is great nonetheless. He couldn't come to English this week, but will come next week. 

We also met another person on the street this week who recently moved to the area and who already attends a church but had been praying (sort of...kind of thinking as well) a chance to meet a western friend. Well, we met and then we met a few more times, he came to English and made some friends and has more time to meet, and so we are excited to help him to make the journey to come unto Christ! He is 25. 

We also went back to the house of a person that we met a little while ago while knocking doors who accepted a book of Mormon. We visited and it turns out that he is pretty lonely because he has three kids that don't really visit him a whole lot. He works at a factory, doing hard labor. We asked him about church and he hated the caste system in Korean churches where if you attend for a certain amount of years you become a "deacon" or a "elder". He also doesn't like the competition fostered by publicly displaying the amount (yes to the dime) of money paid in offerings...He loves his wife soooo much and she died three years ago. He said that his happiest memory was marrying her and his saddest, was at her death. He has already read about a third of the Book of mormon. He says that it is basically the Bible summarized into a shorter, more clear way. He said that the parts that are boring put him to sleep :) and the parts that are good he believes to be right.

I love you so much. This past week we had a 70 come and speak to us (Elder Aoyiagi) in Japanese, which was translated to Korean, and then to English for the missionaries who are newer. It was sooooo goood. He told us the priorities of saints from the prophet:
1. Personal relationship with God.
2. Spirituality of Family.
3. Building up the Church.  
And then applied them to us as missionaries.
It was super great.

I love you all! Have a wonderful week!!!
Elder William Strahl

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