Monday, December 15, 2014



This week went by really well. I will just go over the investigators that we were able to meet with and what is going on with our other investigators.

Our friend who started to meet with us that we met on the street and is coming to English class, is really starting to get a social conversion, which is part of the battle. He is great and as we do lessons with him, he is the only investigator that I have ever taught that was able to figure out on his own some of the thought provoking questions that we ask them. I am convinced that he knows it from his heart (and from the pre-earth life) and will do well as he continues to mingle with the people here and learn about the church.

Afron got a cold this last week and so he wasn't able to meet :( that was very sad, but I am sure that he is doing well, and we are looking forward to meeting him this next week.

This transfer things are a little bit different. I am staying in the same area, but I am getting 2 new companions (at the same time). So we are going to be in a will be interesting. My current companion is going way up north...

We also met with one of our high school students who is doing really well. He told us that he told his parents that he was learning about church and his parents told him that once the school break starts he needs to go to church every week (probably because he sleeps in all the time!!!!) He said that he will be able to come at the start of January. He learned the Plan of Salvation really well, and had good questions about the doctrine. He reminds me of my investigator in 공주 Gongju that is doing really well as an active member. I have high hopes for him :)

We also were able to meet with a new old man investigator that we met some time ago on the street. He called off of a slip and we took him to the Christmas devotional (first Presidency one). He seemed to enjoy it, but at the same time we had a North Korean investigator come to the church and meet with some other missionaries at church. The North Korean was going on about some crazy religion, but he accepted a Book of Mormon. I haven't actually met with him as of yet, but it seems like it will be interesting. 

Let's see, all of our other investigators were either busy with tests, or their schedule did not match up with ours. 

This past week was really good in a lot of ways. Our member told us that his friend really wants to come to church, but because of school and other things, he is busy. We are excited for the school vacation because that means that we can teach the high school aged kids.

I am glad that everything went well in Minnesota, Alabama, and Idaho :) Keep up all of the good work in all that you do!
I love you all and hope the best for everything that you do!

This past week the sisters in my group went home (2 left from this ward) and that is quite the shock. Time goes by soooo fast on a mission. The lesson comes from a very wise person named Dallin H. Oaks. He talks about good, better, and best. So true. There are so many good things to do in our lives! But, there are better good things and there are the best good things to do with our time. And so, if we want to use our time to its greatest potential, then we will prioritize! Identify first the good, better, best, and then give up the good and the better for the best. And, we will be happiest!

I love you all so much and am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to be a missionary. I never ever ever want it to end :) ever.
love you!

Elder William Strahl

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