Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Hey mother and family!!!

This past week we had the missionary Christmas party as well as the fun experience with the threesome!!! We continue to meet with our investigators and help them to experience the love that God has for them and for all of His children.

Afron is doing well. He got better, but through a series of unfortunate events he was unable to meet us this week. On the good side, it is the end of his semester and so he should have more time to meet with us, and he will hopefully do really well with the people in our ward.

The member referral is also finishing up school this week and then will be able to come to church and continue to learn about God. He will be a good person to teach.

The high school student is going college searching this next week, but the next week agreed to go to church.

last, we have the investigator that attends another church that we met rather recently. He has women interest as well as gospel interest and so it is a little bit tricky to discern his true motives. He really wants to get the Gift of the Holy Ghost, but at the same time he also wants to date all of the single adults... in consultation with the single adults, they tell me that he has a social problem, but that he does have genuine interest in the Gospel. He says that the thing that he wants most is a happy family. We will continue working with him. He told us that he wanted to convert and get baptized, and so we are working to help him prepare for making that kind of a commitment to God. 

The new old man investigator is old and it has snowed a lot here, so we may potentially get to see him on Friday.

Things are going well in the threesome. We talk to more people, have more faith, more prayers, etc. It is great! 

This past week we were able to have a lesson with a Less-active member and we talked about stewardship. We told him what Elder Christofferson mentioned in his talk "Reflections on a Consecrated Life" which goes something like this: the two things that we have stewardship over in this life are time and choices. Everything else that we do comes as a result of those two things. He then made the comment that that is true because what job you choose determines your schedule for your entire life. That is a pretty profound statement: everything comes out of time and choices. Our choices define the quality of the results of our time. And so those are the two things that are most important to regulate, and if regulated well will produce whatever result that this life has to offer.  I know that the Holy Spirit is real and that through the Holy Spirit we can know of things that we cannot see. I know that through the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ the eternal unit of the family can be complete in a state of incomparable happiness.

Love you all,
Elder William Strahl

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