Hey mother and family!!!
This week was great!
We met with the dry cleaning man and he referred us a church man of a church that is in Korea called Sinchunji. Anyways, they believe that their founder loosed revelations and that the second coming has already come, and there's some place on earth that people don't die...anyways, this Sinchunji church is extremely aggressive and very stealthy. In fact, member will tell you that they are members of the Presbyterian church when they first meet you, they also use buildings that have Presbyterian church on the outside. Anyways we met with him and taught him the first few lessons, but he decided not to read the Book of Mormon, and so he was dropped pretty quickly. What I learned from that experience is that knowledge is not one of the fruits of the spirit as stated in Galatians 5. Yes, it is necessary, but spiritual conversion is through the spirit which is a very small part knowledge and a ver large part peace, love, etc.
We actually referred the Cambodians that we were teaching to the other missionaries in our district because they are whitewashing (coming to the area both new with no investigators). They were not able to come to church yesterday, but they will hopefully be able to come out in the future!
The investigator at the wedding hall seems that he doesn't want to meet anymore... :(
Our investigator in the world hasn't come to church for a few weeks, but he is going to come out to the family home evening that we have at the church tonight.
The family that we are teaching is really busy right now, and so we haven't had a whole lot of time to meet with them. They are going to be the focus of this next transfer. They have such a potential to live the gospel and to support each other in this wonderful way of living. It really is a privilege to teach a family like them.
The son who is taking lessons is about 28ish I think. I met him on Sunday and he has promised to continue to come to church in the future. In fact, he apologized to me for giving so many excuses and not meeting with us or coming out to church. He was so happy and so radiant to be at church, and I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to visit and to work with that family. They are so wonderful, each person in that family has such a special spirit!
Yep, Korean Kids are the cutest!!! They are the best.
This week at church the famous comedian gave a talk. It was really good.
It started with the statement. "The topic that I have been asked to speak on is repentance. Now, I am going to speak about a way avoid repentance"...at this point I'm not sure what I was thinking but it was probably of conglomerate of "am I understanding his Korean right, there's no way to avoid repenting after you've sinned!" and that is when he said that if you want to avoid repenting, you just have to avoid evil. He then spoke about avoiding evil and avoiding the even the appearance of all evil. I realized how true it really is. If you don't want to repent, If you don't want to experience the negative consequences of sin, then don't sin!!! Easier to say than to do, but the principle is so true.
I love you all so much!!!!
Thank you for all your prayers and emails and everything!!!
Keep up all of the great work in Alabama, Idaho, Minnesota, wherever you are!!
William Strahl
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