Hello mother and family!!!
This week went by fast, as usual, with lots of work and some new people!
We were not able to meet the new investigator, but we will meet him this week and hopefully he will keep his commitments and work towards the waters of baptism.
Our worldly investigator came to church. That's a little bit of improvement, but he needs to retake the lessons. We had a talk with him and he has stopped praying and thinks that all churches are the same...and so we will try to meet with him and get him to have a personal testimony. He goes to Canada (he got his visa) in December and so we are hoping to help him join the church before he goes so that he will have a big support system when he goes to Canada. He is still great and he says that the reason that he comes to church is because he believes. That is the start that will hopefully propel into his conversion experience.
Our other investigators continue to be busy now and so we are very diligently looking for ways to find people to teach. We are having a Halloween party (there's no Halloween in Korea) at the church and so we are hoping to get referrals through that method.
We met a new investigator this week who called off of an English advertisement wanting to learn free English. Turns out that he spent time in Canada, and so he is almost fluent in English and really just wants to practice keeping his English up. So, we met with him, and he told us that he attended a Presbyterian church in Canada and that since he has gotten back to Korea he has not had the opportunity to attend church. So, we met with him and invited him to read the book of Mormon and to pray, and so hopefully he will do so and come to know Christ more and convert.
This past week I read the sermon on the mount. I liked the verse talking about how the eye is the light of the body and if the eye is single then the whole body is filled with light.
The eye is part of the body. However, if single, then the whole body is filled with light. When I ran track Tyler always would tell me that if I was in a competitive race "Run for place and the time will take care of itself.". Running for place was a small part to focus on that would affect the whole. In like manner, our eye (or our desires and especially motivations) will affect the whole body, or our entire lives. The hardest part is obtaining "singleness" which in my mind went to a refracted light ray vs. a concentrated bright ray. We have to work to focus our desires and our motivations singly to, as the Joseph Smith translation puts it, "to the glory of God". Anyways, through that our whole lives will be filled with light, in other words, we will build upon the rock of Jesus Christ, whereon if men build, they cannot fall. I know that Jesus Christ has been resurrected and lives today. He stands at the head of His church. I know that the Book of Mormon has a power in it that reaches much beyond words of ink on a page. I know that the church restored by Joseph Smith is true and the original church that teaches the fulness of the Gospel as had in previous dispensations.
I love you all so much!!!
Have a wonderful week this week!
I hope you have a wonderful fall season!!!

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