Hey Mom and Family!!!
Sorry about last week's short email again. There was a miscommunication (how could that possibly happen in a 2nd Language) and we had to leave pretty early. So this week, hopefully I can be a little more detailed and elaborate :)
Sounds like Reid is doing well and will have a great time at BYU Idaho. It is such a new experience to leave the family and to room with people your own age. And then another new experience to get lots of companions who are all very different and who all contribute different strengths and weaknesses to the companionship. I am so excited for him! He will do great! Yep, the church world is pretty small. One example, at BYU when I auditted a Korean class, I met someone there who turned out to be Nathan's sister's husband's brother. If that was weird enough, when I was coming to Korea one of the Korean's coming with us talked about her sister getting married. When she showed the picture of who she was getting married to...it was him...! That is so cool that you were able to make a connection in Idaho back to good ol' Oregon. The fire doesn't seem to really be that big--which is good, but I think I know just about where that is...which is really sad. I think it adds some scenery to the run... jk.
These past few weeks things have been a little crazy in Korea, in case you haven't noticed. A lot of our investigators have dropped, but we still have some that are going strong.
Our worldly friend entered an English speech contest that the stake organized and had, and he spoke about how he had come to church and believe in God. It was basically his testimony which was really really good for him to share. On the other hand, in the morning we talked to him again about baptism and he told us that alcohol is "his friend". He is trying to reduce, but it seems that it will be a fairly long road to complete victory. He is really great. He got sick and couldn't come to church yesterday, but he will definitely come in the future. He also got a new girlfriend who has a son (luckily he knows enough about the law of chastity already) and so he has gotten a little bit more busy. We will help him continually
We also were able to meet the family that already seems like family. We ate dinner with them (ok...I have to tell you this story. So, after the speech contest, there was a little snack meal that we had (it was like a small luncheon) and Robert Holly, the really famous actor in Korea, wanted to take all of the missionaries out for dinner. So, we all go to a buffet with him...which is the first time that I have ever been in public with someone nationaly famous. It was really interesting. People pointed and stared, and took pictures, it was a really different experience. But, it was great. So then, after all that we go to the appointment...which was a dinner appointment...haha. And they prepared a lot of food...so I went home with, if you translate directly to english, "my stomach emerging".) Anyways, we had a great time with the family, and as the dad gave us a ride home we talked to him about church. They had already been once, and so I asked him about their thoughts about church and they said that they had felt recently that they needed to join a church. That is when they met missionaries. Well, they went to church once and they felt that it was kind of weird. There was no pastor, and so they felt that there was no order. This is the second family that has responded in this way. So, we talked to Robert Holly about how to resolve it (he was a former bishop...) and we hope to help them realize all of the blessings of the church.
Besides those two investigators, the rest of our investigators have dropped their interest, or are not ready to be taught yet, so we have gone back to working hard in finding. We have found some people lately. One of them (the one on the bus) lost his phone in Seoul...and so it's hard to get a hold of him. But we keep working and trying to find the elect that will listen to His voice and recognize us as messengers of the Lord.
Thank you for all of the spiritual messages that you send! They are all really great! This week we had a lesson in Priesthood about keeping the Commandments (wouldn't be surprised if it the same lesson in America). Anyways, we learned that the most important thing to do is to take the commandment that you aren't faithful to all the way and then to work on it a little bit at a time. That is good advice. Just one at a time over a period of time and then commandments become a habit of obedience! One of the questions of the lesson is how do show our love through obeying the commandments? Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said that one of the crowning characteristics of love is loyalty. The degree of our love of a person (think about spouse) depends on the loyalty that we have toward the person (not only, just crowning). I hope that we all look at the commandments that we are maybe not keeping all the way, and out of our love for Christ, we show Him that we are faithful to Him and to His teachings. I know that if you do, you will become happier. I have seen that in my own life and in the lives of others. God is our Father. He loves us. Because He loves us, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. If we follow Jesus Christ, we will be happy. The Book of Mormon teaches plainly how to follow Jesus Christ. I know that is true! I hope that you have a wonderful week this week and that everything goes well for every member of our family!!!
I love you so much! Have a wonderful week!

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