Hello mother and family!!!
This week went by really fast, and I cannot believe that the fall season is already beginning!
This week some good things happened.
We met a new investigator who has a really good personality, and so we are hoping to be able to meet with him and help him to come to Christ and to the Church. We met with him once and it went really well, but since then he hasn't had any time. hopefully he will be able to meet with us this week! He is 20 years old and he works at a wedding hall (American age is probably 19).
We also made the acquaintance of a dry cleaning man who is trying to refer his son to us. He invited us to lunch tomorrow, so hopefully then we can make a legit attempt. Before he had us go into the store where his son was working and talk to him about church. Apparently his son went to the army, attended church for awhile, but then came back and stopped attending church. Well, we went into the store (because in Korea you can do that kind of stuff without...tension) and we talked to him, and he said he was attending church right now. Oh so the father also told us that when we went that we couldn't tell him that his father sent us...which made it a little bit mysterious because we knew his name and where he worked...anyways, it was a little bit awkward, but tomorrow we are eating lunch with them, so hopefully something will come out of it :)
Our investigator in the world took another step in. He got a girlfriend who has a son and hasn't had time to meet and was too busy to come to church yesterday. He is going to take time, but he definitely has the blossoming beginning of a testimony. We will continue to help him and work with him to help him to come to Christ!
Of the 4 Cambodians that we have met, 3 of them we referred to a set of missionaries who were whitewashing with no investigators...and all 3 were given baptismal dates! They are really happy at church and it is great to see them. The last Cambodian came to church for the 3rd time, and met the other Cambodians. His English and Korean are not as good, and so it is really hard to teach him; however, he really likes church.
The Lee Family was too busy to meet, but hopefully they can meet this week!
Other good news is that the daughter of restaurant owners in my first area came home and her brother is now taking the lessons!!!
This transfer is staying the same. we are in the same area with same companion :) that is good^^
This past week I thought a lot about repentance and opportunity. Opportunities are extremely precious because they are perishable. There is a time factor that limits the availability of an opportunity (thus it is an opportunity...). This life is a opportunity restrained by the duration that we live here. Throughout life there are many different opportunities that face us at all different times. However, thinking about this I realized that the greatest opportunity given to mankind is the Atonement. We always have the choice to use the incomparable opportunity given to us by our Savior Jesus Christ. The opportunity of the Atonement is a blessing that can come to us each day, if we so choose. Every single day we have the opportunity to repent. To change ourselves a little bit, and become better, more Christ-like Saints. Just one weakness or shortcoming at a time. If we really use the Atonement every single day, then we will show the Savior how much His sacrifice means to us. (During the day we really have infinite opportunities, but only the most important ones to us get used). I invite you to just spend 10 minutes at the end of a day, reflect on what you could have done better that day, and then ask the Lord for strength through the Atonement to overcome that particular part at night and also in the morning. I know that if you do, you will feel the power of the Atonement and the joy that it brings more in your life. I know this work is God's work on the earth and that the scriptures are true. I love you all so much!!!
Love you lots!!!

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