This week was pretty ridiculous. So much happened this week that was very interesting and good and bad...etc.
First off, we went to visit the English investigators and had a good talk to them about church. They seemed to think that our church was unfamiliar and that Korean people really didn't want our church. They came for two weeks, and apparently they really don't like testimony meetings and people sharing personal experiences in sacrament meeting. Anyways, long story short, they won't be coming back for a little bit. They are a wonderful family, but they don't see church as a pattern of living...which is true of most people. So, we will continue to visit them because their daughters still have some potential for joining the church, but if they continue to be engrained in their opinions then it will be time to move on. :(
Next, our karate teaching investigator was really busy all week, and said on Friday, "See you on Sunday" and then didn't show up! That was a bit of a bummer, so we are continuing to try and contact him and meet to help him to come to church. We also didn't have a chance to see his daughter or son, but I am hopeful for them because he has many questions.
On the flip side, we invited our crutches hospital bound investigator to a church activity on Saturday (volleyball, which he couldn't do) and then we ate dinner together. Anyways, he loved it there, we had a lesson with him, and then he came to church the next day. His problem is the world. He came to the activity after an 8 hour drinking night...and had to go out for smoke breaks...but he likes church. We were driving home from one of the activities (he gives us a ride to save time and money) and we talked to him about baptism. He said "yeah, next month I'll do it", but his concern was a lot of people there because he is shy. So we told him that it would be the whole ward there, just part, and then he said "ok, let's do it next week". I laughed and told him that he needed to be prepared. But, his excitement is definitely there. He needs to stop drinking and smoking...which is going to be quite the decision for him. In Korea if you don't drink then you don't have friends...unless they don't drink either. When we told him he said that it was a hard decision: church or friends. We helped him understand that it was not a decision that he had to make right then, but that as he studied and met with us, little by little he would be able to give up everything and join the church. We also had family home evening at the church that night, which he attended with us, and it was great. He had a really good time and when he dropped us off at the end of the night, he said that he had a very happy day. I agree, a day without a hangover is a happy day :) He's great and we are really excited for him as he continues to pursue his desire to feel the peace of God which surpasseth all understanding. His name is Cruz (he went to Australia for some time and chose that English name).
We also had the opportunity of meeting somebody on a bus who had recently moved from Seoul. He said that he had been looking for a church and knew that he would need to go to church, and then we got on the bus, sat next to him, and talked to him. He thought that was a sign from God. So, we continued to talk and got his contact information and then he left. He wasn't able to come to church yesterday, but he said that he would come to church next week. He's 30 and not married and really looks like a great guy, and so we are excited for him to come to church and learn about the Gospel!
The other family was unable to meet with us. They have been busy recently and so there has been no time... but, they are great and we will hopefully be able to see them next week!
This week I was reading Jacob 5 with a Less active who we are helping to read, understand the scriptures, and keep the word of wisdom. An interesting thing to note in Jacob chapter 5 is that the master of the vineyard says that the end is near in verse 29; however the entire chapter is 77 verses (or something like that). Looking at that in proportion to time, the "end is coming" even before the half way point. That is the message of urgency that the Lord communicates through His prophets in every single dispensation. The phrase "the day of the Lord is at hand" is very common and conveys this same idea. The take home message is that we need to act now! Do what we need to do now! Because there isn't much time, certainly not as much as we think or expected (that's the story of the mission)
Also, this week in English class we watched a Mormon message in English and helped the people of the class to hear and understand what is being said. The one that we are watching is Men hearts shall fail them, by Elder Nelson. He says something in that movie that is very important. He says that people's hearts fail them because they forget two things. They forget their identity and their purpose. If we know our identity and our purpose, then we will be able to act now (above) and be prepared for struggles when they come.
I can't explain how much I love the mission. It is the greatest experience EVER. One of the people in our district talked about how the mission is the MTC for life...and it truly is. I am so excited everyday to learn what the Lord wants me to learn and to strive to be who the Lord wants me to be. I hope that you also will take time to ponder your own identity and purpose. And then strive, just one day and one act at a time, to live up to the identity and purpose that each of us have.
I love you all so much!!!

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