Holy Smokes, this last week was really crazy. During the week, all of our appointments dropped, but then on the weekend we had some great surprises. This week we got quite a few people together to play basketball with us at the church. Long story, but in the end we ended up meeting someone who introduced us to his friends who introduced us to his friends and were able to make some good contacts through basketball (which Koreans also love). That was pretty insane, and I am really sore...:)
We also had the English family come to church on Sunday for the first time since I have been here! They were so well behaved and in sacrament meeting (besides one odd person who got up and started throat singing) the testimony meeting went really well. The Youth here (including Eric) went to a Youth camp this past weekend that was apparently really great! All of the kids had a really great time. Our other investigator came and sat by my companion who said that when one of the youth started crying in her testimony he started to freak out a little bit, but then calmed down and continued.
Then on Sunday night we met two people who are absolutely wonderful. They are taking us to dinner tonight and they are so excited to join the church and get all of their friends to do the same! So grateful for this opportunity.
We also met a new Ukrainian investigator named Constantine. He is 17 and really wonderful. I am so excited to work with him in the future.
The rest of our investigators, due to various circumstances were not able to meet, most of them are traveling, but they are all doing well.
The Lord is amazing! I love the idea from Elder Hales of Waiting on the Lord. (great talk!) If we do everything in our power then we can wait on the Lord for the Lord to work His work and His glory. We watched that happen in our own lives today!
This week D&C 123:17 was the theme. Again, God did not fail. I love you all so very very much!!!

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